VIDEO – Heavenly Whispers Africa


These beautiful women captured my heart with their love, resilience, honour & faithfulness. I hope you enjoy this snippet of our time in Ethiopia with Soul Focus Ministries in March 2014.   [...]

VIDEO – Heavenly Whispers Africa2020-12-18T03:05:19+00:00

Are you forgetting things?


Signs of STRESS causing BRAIN DAMAGE! - 3 things you need to know.  Research by Yoshifumi Watanabe, Elizabeth Gould, Bruce S. McEwen, shows Stress induces atrophy of apical dendrites of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons. This [...]

Are you forgetting things?2020-12-18T03:05:20+00:00

Capacity Versus Expectation


I have shared this Neuro Success TM strategy with hundreds over the years. It literally changed my life & continues the ripple of revelation & transformation to date.  I hope it brings understanding & breakthrough to [...]

Capacity Versus Expectation2020-12-18T03:05:20+00:00


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